
Artificial Intelligence

AMAZE21.ZIP Amaze is an artificial intelligence system for testing the solvability of mazes. It is also fun for children, and illustrates how "panicking" in a maze does not help you to find an exit any quicker!
BBSC70.ZIP BBSChat Version 7.0 is an artificial Intelligence Chat door for any BBS supporting DOOR.SYS.
BBSCC10.ZIP BBSChat personality file checker. Tests for duplicate keywords, syntax errors and more!
BC_BRIAN.ZIP Brian The Nice Person. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system.
BC_CHIN.ZIP Chinese Sysop. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
BC_HARRY.ZIP Harry The Bar Man. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
BC_JOSHU.ZIP Joshua. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
BC_MIKE.ZIP Mike. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
BC_RASTA.ZIP Brownie The Rastafarian. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
BC_SHARO.ZIP Sharon The Bar Maid. Adult personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
BC_SYSOP.ZIP Sysop. Personality file for BBSChat AI Chat system
C2C21.ZIP Computer 2 Computer Chat Version 2.0. Artificial Intelligence stand-alone chat program holds conversations between two BBSChat personalities.
CHAT60.ZIP Human 2 Computer Chat Version 6.0. Artificial Intelligence stand-alone chat program. Hold conversations with BBSChat personalities.
ESC10.ZIP Expert System Compiler V1.0. Create expert system decision trees
HB01.ZIP Harry's Bar V1.0 - Stand-alone AI chat fantasy.
Enter "Harry's Bar" and talk with the barman.
RS001.ZIP Robo-Sysop. Intelligent new-user interview system for any BBS (uses door.sys)
RT001.ZIP Robo-Telephonist. Intelligent query answering system for any BBS (uses door.sys)
SATURN50.ZIP SATURN V5.0. Artificial Intelligence data storage and retrieval system. Supplied with encyclopaedia.
KBASE11.ZIP KBase is a system for storing and retrieving natural free format text data on a computer.
LANGEN13.ZIP Langen V1.3 - Generates random English sentences.

BBS Doors &. Sysop Utilities

BBSPUB10.ZIP Online pub database door for any BBS supporting door.sys
ANTISB34.ZIP ANTISUB V3.4 allows BBS sysops to bounce outgoing mail which tries to subscribe to internet newsgroups or any other address you specify. Compatible with WCGate and SMF-70 mail gateways.
SSTB001.ZIP Time Bank V1.0 for Remote Access 2.xx BBS
AD2ZIP11.ZIP Add a specified file to ALL .ZIP / .ARJ archives in the current directory.
BLKARC10.ZIP Create multiple ZIP archives from multiple files
MKLIST20.ZIP Create a FILES.BBS list from the desc.sdi files within ALL the .ZIPS and .ARJs in the current directory AUTOMATICALLY! Then import this into your BBS software database, or rename the file 00_INDEX.TXT for use with your FTP site etc.
RAUPS10.ZIP Remote Access BBS Automatic Caller Security Upgrade
REARC11.ZIP Re-archive all .ZIP files in a directory removing ZIP file comments.
ZIPAD10.ZIP Automatically insert a file into EVERY .ZIP file on the current disk drive
ZIPDEL10.ZIP Automatically delete a file from EVERY .ZIP file on the current disk drive
WCZIP10.ZIP Use wildcards in PKZIP operations.

Programmer's Libraries

DBFLIB10.ZIP Turbo/Borland C library for handling dBase (.DBF) files
JANUS11.ZIP Janus version 1.1 is a BBS Door construction library for Borland C
NLPLIB10.ZIP Natural Language (NLP) Library For Clipper Summer '87
XMSLIB10.ZIP Borland C compatible functions for using XMS memory.
SLFCHK11.ZIP Selfchk includes an object module which you link with your compiled C objects into the final .EXE program. This additional .OBJ alerts the user when almost any computer virus has infected your program.
SVL30.ZIP Fully-functional video function library for PC C compilers.

Programmer's Tools

DFLOGO12.ZIP DFP LOGO V1.2 is a complete LOGO interpreter.
PCFONT30.ZIP DOS font (typeface) editor.
PEARL31.ZIP Programmer's Editor V3.1 with full editable macros, search and replace etc.
SSD50.ZIP SSD is a code analyser for the IBM PC. Traces and analyses 8080/8086 (and some 386) software. Screened interpreter prevents disabling and disk writes providing a safe environment for analysing computer viruses. Capable of reverse engineering most PC software including packed and encrypted programs.
TRAN10.ZIP The Translator V1.0. Translates text files into other types: Removes "SNAP" comments, creates Hex Dumps, Converts binary screen dumps to Ascii/ANSI, Converts Postscript to text, Removes HP &. Epson printer control codes and much more....

Business Applications

MEMBER10.ZIP Club Membership Database With Mail-merge & Graphs
MMAID40.ZIP Mermaid V4.0 is a user tool for viewing, searching, sorting, and manipulating dBase/xBase files.
MRKMAN21.ZIP Marksman V2.1 is a contact manager system.
SCROOG20.ZIP SCROOGE VERSION 2.0. Complete retailer's analysis system. Helps you to maximise efficiency of your capital expenditure. Helps with producing accountant's reports to save you money.
SW10.ZIP Stock Watch Version 1.0. Small Business Stock Control &. Purchasing.
VIDCAT10.ZIP VESA display mode visual catalogue system. It displays product information as text and optional preview screen dumps.


AUHTML50.ZIPAUTOHTML creates HTML hypertext documents (WWW pages) from machine readable text files automatically. The created HTML documents are fully linked muliple pages, a complete text web site! Now supporting multi-colour options!
SSH10.ZIP SSH! Converts HTML into formatted TEXT
SSH! is a program for the IBM PC running under DOS, or Windows in a
DOS window, which reads an HTML source file and outputs to the screen
(or a specified file, printer or device) the HTML file in text format
with rudimentary formatting.
DCTEST11.ZIP Disk Cache Evaluator. This software is used to test the relative transfer rates of disk caches on a PC.
DEDUP11.ZIP DEDUP V1.1. A file filter to pass only unique text lines from one file to another.
DQCL11.ZIP DQCL11 is a program for testing the readability of diskettes.
FL2CSV02.ZIP Convert BBS file lists to CSV for import to databases etc.
FV05.ZIP The BBS File Viewer V5.0. Offline BBS File list viewer.
INV13.ZIP THE INVESTIGATOR is a professional grade virus/trojan/ansi bomb/SMEG detection system.
MATHPL20.ZIP Mathplot is a fun program for drawing graphical representations of mathematical functions. Mathplot can draw 2 dimensional and 3 dimensional graphs.
ME20.ZIP Movie Editor Kit V2.0. Capture text screens to file, convert them to ANSI, create movies and play them back with defineable delay between each frame of between zero and 65000 miliseconds. Includes many utilities, to edit frames combine frames, edit movies and capture frames from ANSI and other applications
NODUP10.ZIP Scans all files in the current directory and delete any which are duplicates, based upon matching bytes not filename.
NOQUEEG.ZIP Innoculate all files against Queeg infection
OPTIM10.ZIP Benchmark system of programs for optimizing and evluating PC hardware and DOS compatible operating systems in terms of speed performance.
PCADD53.ZIP PC Address Book V5.3 Simple, but powerful address management
PCGR30.ZIP PC Graph V3.0 is a serious tool for the benefit of anyone who handles data; statisticians, accountants, geographers, psychologists, students, mathematicians. Variety of styles of graphs have been coded covering both the reporting of absolute and frequency data. An additional facility has been included for plotting graphs of functions.
PCH20.ZIP Memory Resident DOS consultant for DOS command line.
PCVID21.ZIP Very simple to use personal video collection organiser with full search facilities.
PHRASES2.ZIP Phrases, quotes, proverbs etc for BBSChat and other uses.
Q2TXT10.ZIP Convert QWK message packet into Text Document.
SFMT20.ZIP SFORMAT is a professional diskette formatter system for the IBM PC and compatibles. It provides the user with the facilities for quickly and easily formatting diskettes to any capacity which the disk drive can handle.
SPELL31.ZIP Stand-alone spell checker for any size text file. Complete with 22000+ word dictionary
SPELLX31.ZIP Stand-alone spell checker for any size text file. Complete with 100000+ word dictionary. Requires 286 or better, at least 4mB RAM.
SSORT10.ZIP File sort filter. Handles much larger files than the DOS SORT command. Requires 500K XMS (extended memory) and 286 or better.
VP10.ZIP Vesa mode playback system for the Servile Software Movie Editor Kit.


CGUIDE3.ZIP The PC Programmer's Guide To C. A comprehensive book covering all aspects of the C programming language on the IBM PC.
HOWCON10.ZIP The Mechanics of Human Conversation. A guide for AI and NLP programmers
JA_AIDS.ZIP Report on AIDs in Jamaica (November 1995) Commissioned by the charity Continuum.
NLPBK10.ZIP A handbook of Natural Language Processing (NLP/AI). Introduces techniques in conversational computing. Includes C source code.
PENC40.ZIP E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 3.0 (text format). A machine readable general knowledge encyclopaedia for free public use.
PENC40H.ZIP E-Text Encyclopaedia Edition 4.0 (html format). A fully linked HTML format general knowledge encyclopaedia (based upon penc40.zip) for free public use.
PSY_AIDS.ZIP Emotions and Health. Are you worrying yourself sick? The relationship between stress and ill-health including AIDS.
SIJ_001.ZIP Servile Info Journal Vol 1
SIJ_002.ZIP Servile Info Journal Vol 2
SIJ_003.ZIP Servile Info Journal Vol 3
VXRES30.ZIP The Virus Researcher's Handbook 3rd Edition. Advice and instruction on analysing computer viruses with a view to anti-virus warfare. Now includes a reference section with over 1300 viruses listed.

Adult Entertainment

ADELE20.ZIP Beach Seduction - Stand-alone AI chat fantasy (2nd Ed). Can you seduce Adele so that she bares all? This is an adult program not for the easily offended or children. Now supporting all VESA video cards.
FRAN20.ZIP Francesca V2.0 A virtual girlfriend for broad minded adults. Francesca features the latest version of the renowned Servile Software AI chat technology coupled with snap-shots of the girl you're talking to. Francesca requires: 286 or better processor, VESA compatible Video card, SVGA monitor
JOSE20.ZIP Josephine V2.0 A virtual girlfriend for broad minded adults. Josephine features the latest version of the renowned Servile Software AI chat technology coupled with snap-shots of the girl you're talking to. Josephine requires: 286 or better processor, VESA compatible Video card, SVGA monitor
SHARON20.ZIP An evening at the bar with Sharon - Stand-alone AI chat fantasy. Enter "Harry's Bar" and talk with Sharon the barmaid. Can you persuade Sharon to bare all? This is an adult program not for the easily offended or children.